
The only book-length biography of Rex, Painter of Birds, was written by his nephew Milton Brasher and published by Rowman and Littlefield in 1961.

Rex’s draft autobiography clearly provided Milton with some of the material he used for the book, but what sources he used other than his own memories and opinion is less clear. The book gives no explanation of sources and does not have an index, but it was a popular title in Rowman and Littlefield’s catalog and provides readers with a lively account of Rex’s travels around the country.

Before her death, Milton’s daughter, Deborah Brasher, provided us with a foreword that she proposed for a reissue of her father’s book. We are actively collaborating with Rowman and Littlefield to have a new edition published.

Seldom has the story of a man’s life been so worth the telling. Rex Brasher was a rugged individual in every sense of that too often abused phrase. Adversity that would have floored a lesser man never even took away his sense of humor. His life comes through as a complex of adventure, struggle, frustration and success.

— Rowman and Littlefield, 1961