A team of dedicated board members, volunteers, and student interns has published every page in Volume 9. This volume includes 360 images of paintings and lyrical descriptions of birds, now available online for everyone to enjoy anywhere in the world. This is a monumental task. Each volume requires approximately 400 hours to photograph, edit, transcribe, catalog, and publish online. We need your support to complete this work.
If you're tech-savvy, have a good eye, are meticulous with details, and love structured data, please consider volunteering by emailing us at hello@rexbrasher.org.
We encourage all bird lovers and supporters to consider a monetary donation to support our mission to make Rex's work available for everyone. You can provide a one-time or recurring donation online.
NEST—a large pile of reeds, sticks and dried grasses, located in shallow ponds. Nesting dates in Florida vary from February to May, according to amount of water in ponds.
EGGS—2: dull drab, blotched and spotted with brown. Lighter than those of Brown Crane.
Northwestern United States, southern Canada, Florida and Gulf States.